
Submissions Podcast YouTube Subscriptions

The Format

Each episode will be presented as a variety show with me as the host. There will be different segments for each contributed piece, information on the creator, and where to find them.

The Pitch

Everyone has at least heard of public broadcasting and public access radio and TV. NPR and PBS come to mind immediately. I’m looking to start a channel like that for Podcasts and YouTube. It’s high time that creatives have an outlet that doesn’t require intimate knowledge of podcasting or video editing to put their art out into the world. Podcast III can be that outlet. If you have a story that you want to tell, regardless of the format, I’d like you to contribute to the show. Some things will work better for audio and some for video, but either way, you deserve to have your stories seen and heard.

For now, it’s just me behind the scenes, and I’m not sure when or if that will change. So, episodes will be released at the end of each month. The show will be non-profit and ad-free. Any “subscriptions” will be put toward production improvements for all creatives involved, ads about the show for placement in other media (I want everyone to have the chance to be seen and heard by as many people as possible), and any remaining funds will go directly to paying the creatives involved for their work. 

That only leaves one thing: participants. On the left, you will find a link to a form to submit your work to the channel. Fill out the form, and I will contact you for further details and logistics. It does not cost anything to submit your work or be part of the show. Depending on the number of contributors, there may be more releases, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it. Anything that is submitted must be either Public Domain or owned by the contributor.